Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Augustine: Confessions

Augustine: Confessions
Read Book XI
text available at http://www.ccel.org/ccel/augustine/confessions.xiv.html
Focus on
1. How can we perceive past, present and future?
2. Why is it difficult to describe time?
3. What's the relationship between God and time?
Journals due on March 17.


  1. It is difficult to describe time because what a lot of people do not understand is that although "time" lapses , the concept of time is actually man-made . My personal opinion is that "time" is used as a distraction. The only reason Time comes about is so things can be accomplished. The old saying "Time is money" epitomizes what I am saying. I actually do not think it is difficult to understand . But Time was created or made up of you will to distract us from what should be important to us in this life and that should be life itself .

  2. In this section, Augustine argued that if something at the time is present; there will be a time that is past or future. In an interval, there will always be earlier and later parts. I agree with Augustine argument because I believe that there is always a past to the present time and a future to the present. For example, my childhood would be the past while I’m living the present and looking forward to the future. Augustine also questioned the relationship between God and time. He questioned and answered “how can God exist in time if he is eternal.” Augustine argued that God created the world which leads to “time.” Only human can live in time and God lived in a different world where the time didn’t exist. Augustine argument about the relationship between God and time made a lot of sense to me. His statement made me understand and realize more about God and time.

  3. Jennifer Bacigalupo

    The most deep conversation to be held must be about time. I have had numerous discussions and thoughts about the subject but I find it is impossible to arrive at a neutral agreement. Because of time, we are shaped into our personas, grown into our minds intellectually, regretful, grown into our every-changing bodies, etc. It is the one thing in this world that we have no control over..we cannot turn back the clock and we cannot move foward. Time heals and cures our mistakes..If it wasnt for time and we were to remain in that one moment for the rest of forever..those misakes would remain dominant to our lives. Moving foward remains in our present life: for every year, month, week, day, hour, second is us moving foward. For when it is someones 50th birthday for example..they are 50 years old for one second..every second after that they are already in their 51st year and just need to complete it for the next 365 days. Every second we are closer to death and that is because of time alone and time will tell all.

  4. Ruby Rios

    Augustine says that God is unable to live in time because God is eternal but isn't eternity just another way to define an amount of time? Time becomes difficult to describe because for some such as God it is limitless but for us its something that is unpredictable. Unpredictable in that we'll never know when its set to end or even if it is set. The only reason we count time in days and use the sun and moon for our hours is because society has standards. We're supposed to work a certain amount of hours, eat at certain hours, and sleep a certain amount of hours. Time is a thought so that we can create schedules and get as much done in one day as possible. Sadly what we're getting done is what society deems productive. Frankly, I think time shouldn't be based on work hours but on fulfillment. Maybe that's why God can't exist in time. What is there for God to pursue?

  5. Preston Charles
    March 16th 2011

    The relationship between god and time stated by Augustine, God created the world, which leads to time; however god and time are both eternal how can time be created? Time is ongoing with no end and so is god with no death both can be define as eternal. Also, in this section Augustine argued that a being or anything that exist in the present also had a past and will have a future. I strongly agree with Augustine interpretation of time. For example, relationships that always ends up being broken up. One may experience a past relationship which is effecting is present one that eventually leads to a negative outcome. Overall I Augustine made his points very clear and understanding.

  6. To determine whether time exists and where God fits into this man measured existence is quite complicated. I agree with Augustine that the present is without space because it is so fleeting that it is impossible to label. As one is related to the other and one becomes the other. Our past was once a present, our present simultaneously becomes past and future was once present and becomes past. This existence and actuality of beings and objects has been labeled to organize memory and the progress of all that God created. Without the designated name of "time" the infinite presence of life and all that the universe contains, life would be chaotic and lacking control. This is why past, present and future is man-made, it serves for explanation of our memories and the development of our lives.

  7. Time is a completely man made concept. I have always found it interesting that in the bible it says God made the world in 7 days. We think about day and night but obviously with no world there would be no day and night; so no 24 hours, no time. The concept of time differs from person to person and i believe it also differs between us and God. Also if God followed time then the concept of eternity and heaven would come into play. We as humans cannot understand the idea of eternity. We in this life, this world understand that nothing is eternal no matter how long it may seem so to try and think about eternity is hard. To fully comprehend God would be to fully comprehend a lack of time, its not possible for us.

  8. Saleem Bradley

    Augustine stated that on earth, all creations exist in time. The past, present, and future are the forms known to humans. Time passing along is considered the past, everything that is in existence now is considered the present, and things that approach are the future. In the Genesis, God created the universe which consisted of time. Augustine believed God had to have time before creating the universe. Augustine then goes on to say that God did not create the universe in just a moment because for God there is no time. How could there be no time if God supposedly created the universe in just one moment. I believe that moment is the present action taking place. Time is unlimited and God is unchangeable so that makes both eternal. I believe the universe must have been eternal too because it was created out of nothing. Also, how could God be the beginning point if time does not exist for God?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. In my opinion time is a man made idea only to bring structure to the day to day lives of humans beings and also to keep track of our past, present, and eventually our future. The idea of 24 hours with in a day, seven days with in a week, and twelve months with in a year are all creations of man. We are the only living beings on the earth to use the idea of "time" to structure our days. I believe that God is eternal but time is not because when and if the world should ever end the idea of "time" also ends along with it. The use of time has no meaning and no consequences if there is no such thing as the human race. This is why I agree with Augustine when he stated that God is unable to live in time because he is eternal.

  11. People have questioned many things since the dawn of man. Why is the sky blue, what is the purpose of life, what is the relevance of Time? Questioning things in life is human nature, Augustine takes a particular interest in time, he wants to know what is the purpose of time, is time really something that god takes into consideration or is time really just a man made element to keep human-beings in order. Augustine seems to almost plead with god for answers in the beginning saying that is Moses was still alive he would badger him with questions but since he wasn't that God was the only way he could become enlightened. Augustine seems to try to rationalize time and god only to confuse himself.

  12. Bianca gayle

    It’s difficult to describe time because God did not make time itself. We all speak of it and understand it; however it is difficult to explain. Augustine says “if nothing passed away, there would be no past time; and if nothing were still coming, there would be no future time; and if there were nothing at all, there would be no present time.” And how can it be past time when time has passed away, and how can it be future time when the future is not yet. However if the present were always present and did not pass into the past time; time would be nonexistent since its eternity. No one can speak of the future if it does not exist yet because, things that do not exist cannot be seen. And no one can speak of the past because, they don’t know if it’s true, they can only speak of what they heard, not what they’ve seen.

    Augustine spoke of three functions: The mind expects, it attends, and it remembers. In other words, what the mind expects passes into what it remembers by way of what it attends too. With that being said, those who deny future times, already expect things of the future, and those who denies past times; still there is memory of the past in the mind. And those who deny the present times, since it passes away in a moment, what is present may proceed to become absent. “Therefore, future time, which is nonexistent, is not long; but “a long future” is “a long expectation of the future.” Nor is time past, which is now no longer, long; a “long past” is “a long memory of the past.”

  13. 1) past, present, and future can be understood only in time, it does not exist in eternity. Past is something that no longer exist, they're events that occurred. Future is events that don't exist yet but we're sure will occur. The present is event that exist because there're occurring at the moment. Since humans are confined in time we experience past, paint and future.

    2) time is hard to comprehend because we don't know its beginning or end. St. Augustine states that its hard to understand something that doesn't appeal to the senses. If something is not able to be sensed its hard to be explained.

    3) God is the author of time therefore not confined by it. the rules of time don't apply to God, but rather God exists outside of time. St.Augustine purposes that all of time is infront of God. He mentions that in order to be eternal past present and future must be all in front of God that's eternal.

    St. Augustine in his quest towards seeking the truth ab-out creation, try's understand time by explaining the beginning and how God created time. I argue , isn't eternity just a different form of "time, but Augustine would answer that eternity is just present with no past or future, but ill respond by saying isn't that just freezing time n everything being still forever, how can anything exist in such a demension?.

  14. I do agree with Ruby because is like she said time shouldnt be based on work hour but on fulfillment. Augustinr refers to time as a drop of water, which he has been eager to know and learn the law of time to then express himself about its knowledge and ignorance. He ask Lord jesus to enlight him with thy answer wich is his love and, and he would do it on the name of love if the answer is thy gift.
    If god was the only thing existing before he made the universe than he created time and it makes him eterternal but if there was something before him than him and time are not eternal.
    It is difficult to describe time because it is something thats ongoing and unpredictable due to the fact, that you do know whats your destiny. The one with that answer is time and god itself. He has the answer which none of us know.
